Category: Photos

Chris and Danielle

Lemons and Limoncello

You cannot go to Amalfi without visiting a lemon grove and learning how Limoncello is made. The “sfusato amalfitano” is the most famous Amalfi lemon and arrived centuries ago from the East. The whole coast of Amalfi is dotted with lemon groves and if you own even a small terrace, people will grow lemons such …

Chris and Danielle


Aaahhmalfi! The skies threatened to open at any time as we arrived in Naples. Big thunderheads filled the heavens above. Our destination? The Amalfi Coast. It is a 50 kilometre stretch of steep hills, rugged coastline in the Campania region, dotted with beaches and colourful villages grappling on hillsides. You need to have a strong …